We Teach Outdoor Billboard Investing
Billboard rents have doubled over the past decade, due to the increase in traffic on the nation’s roads, coupled with the destruction of newspaper, magazine, radio and television viewership due to the internet. With the Highway Beautification Act, the U.S. government limits the supply of billboards to certain spacings and zonings. And that is one controlled industry that the government has no desire to relax the standards on. With the supply strictly limited and the demand skyrocketing, the billboard industry is in the middle of its greatest growth cycle in history. Few people realize the many different ways that they can invest in the billboard industry, and the many different outlets in which you can make money with billboards.
So how do you harness the billboard trend? There are many routes you can take. One is to simply find and negotiate billboard leases, obtain the permits, and flip them for cash to an existing billboard company. The other is to build and operate billboards of your own. The information you need to accomplish this can be found all over this site, from free outdoor billboard investing articles, audios & videos, Billboard Mastery Podcast and our free outdoor billboard investing book that is available on download, to our book Big Bucks From Big Signs and our more in-depth Outdoor Billboard Investing Home Study Course, and ultimately our two day immersion event called The Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp. Everything you need to know about how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, conduct due diligence on, construct, rent and operate billboards is available right on this site. And the author of the articles, books, courses and boot camps is Frank Rolfe, who built from scratch the largest privately-owned billboard company in Dallas/Ft. Worth. He includes all the insider secrets, shortcuts and tricks that allowed him to dominate in an extremely competitive environment. That’s why we are the resource that the professionals use to explore the industry – from appraisers to large billboard company employees. We have even had students fly in from Japan, China, Australia, Greece and Mexico.
We also provide, free of charge, a outdoor billboard investment forum on this site that you can contribute to and learn from, as well as a monthly outdoor billboard investment newsletter. In addition, if you purchase a product on this site, you will be given access to a weekly live teleconference Question & Answer Hour every Wednesday. It has taken us a lifetime to assemble these materials, and we are very proud of them. That’s why everything we sell comes with a money-back guarantee. Additionally, you can upgrade any of these items and receive full credit based on what you’ve already spent. None of these products are based on theory, they are all based on reality – the kind of reality that only comes with actually building hundreds of billboards.
If you ever have a question or comment, we would love to hear from you. Please visit the contact us page.
Everything You Need To Know About
Outdoor Billboard Investing In 3 Minutes
"There is no better source for outdoor billboard investment advice than Frank Rolfe & Dave Reynolds"
110 NW 2nd St
Cedaredge, CO 81413