The January 2025 Outdoor Billboard Investing Newsletter

Why "Exit Now" Is the Most Powerful Billboard Message

Marketing experts often debate the most effective messaging for outdoor advertising. According to a Harvard Business School textbook, the most impactful words on a billboard are "Exit Now." This phrase does more than grab attention—it drives immediate action. But why does this message outperform others in the world of billboard advertising?

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Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 110 - Has The Tide Turned?

Billboard revenues are increasing in the U.S., after many years of weak performance due to a number of factors including competing advertising products, Covid, and corporate distractions from marketing to such initiatives as DEI. Now, suddenly, billboard rates of return are increasing. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we're going to explore why the sudden shift has occurred and if it's a fad or a permanent change.

Listen To Episode 110

A Fresh Look at Unconventional Billboards and Their Underlying Signals

Driving along the highway, it’s not uncommon to spot a billboard that looks out of place—perhaps it has mismatched poles, an odd shape, or pieces that don’t seem to fit together. These signs often carry a backstory that goes beyond simple advertising. Before investing in a billboard with unusual features, it’s wise to understand why these structures deviate from the norm.

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Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 109 - How Honesty Is A Strong Negotiating Tool

So the property owner wants too much ground rent. What should you do? How about just telling them the truth? In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to explore one of the most powerful negotiating tools you have at your disposal: telling the truth in the strongest possible fashion.

Listen To Episode 109

Trees and Billboards: Navigating the Challenges

Trees bring undeniable beauty to landscapes. They enhance residential yards, make arboretums a pleasure to explore, and give ski resorts their iconic charm. However, in the billboard industry, trees often represent challenges rather than assets. Even the most ardent nature lovers recognize the complications trees can cause when they own or operate billboards. Here’s a closer look at how trees and billboards intersect, and what billboard owners can do to address this issue effectively.

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