June 2022 Outdoor Billboard Investing Newsletter - Outdoor Billboard University

The June 2022 Outdoor Billboard Investing Newsletter

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 50 - A Primer on Recording Leases

Many lenders may require that you “record” your billboard ground lease. And some operators do this even when their lender does not require it. But what does it mean to “record” a lease and what the pros and cons to doing so? In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to examine the concept and some real-life tips on getting it done.

Listen To Episode 50

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 49 - Billboard Lease Trivia - Part 2

This is the second of our two-part review on tips to create a better billboard ground lease. More great information that will help you create a more advantageous document or avoid pitfalls.

Listen To Episode 49